©Laura Aziz
The mirror and the veil
©Laura Aziz
©Laura Aziz
The mirror and the veil
©Laura Aziz
©Peter Coch Shaman
Martin Geišberg – Concert
©Peter Coch Shaman
©Peter Coch Shaman
Martin Geišberg – Concert
©Peter Coch Shaman
©Peter Coch Shaman
ZVA 12-28 – Concert
©Peter Coch Shaman
©Alannah Louët
Ectoplasm On The Kitchen Floor – Film
©Alannah Louët
©Peter Coch Shaman
Martin Geišberg – Concert
©Peter Coch Shaman


  • Earthans – The Dance of the Moon on Earth, is an outdoor dance performance and visual art installation. Artistic direction and choreography: Tamar Grosz. Premiere 15 & 16th September 2023
  • WOMAN – A short documentary of what it means to be an inmigrat and a woman in Slovakia. Director: Ihor Kravtsov, Photography Director: Oleksandra Korotchuk, Editor: Oleksandra Korotchuk, Dancer: Laura Ahumada Garcia.
  • Showcase “LUSH” by Chaos Emblematic, presenting MADRE & TIERRA  2023
  • Höri Musitage “TAFELN MIT TELEMANN! A musical-performative feast,  Baroque orquestra alongside two dancers, curated by Milena Wilke. Hoeri-Musiktage 2023
  • A triple mix between, Florist Artist, Rachel Grimes, Photographer Laura Aziz and Anhelo CollectiveTogether we created THE MIRROR AND THE VEIL
  • Chaos Emblematic LabyrinthAn evening of work at Escholoraque Rumschrump, Berlin. “Metanoia”; a piece curated by Britt Angus, created in collaboration with the performers, Tanit Graffelmand and myself, music by VEBER.
  •  Korben Dallas Korben Dallas – Prístav (naživo s tanečníkmi z DŠT), Longital, Secret Session, ZVA 12-28 band and “Martin Geišberg” Divadlo Studio Tanca + Martin Geišberg and Daniel Špiner’s Concert. These performances were created together with the artistic ensemble and most of the live performances were base on instant composition and improvisation on stage under the guidance of myself.
  • “Hermès Men Event” by Willi Dorner, Bodies In Urban Spaces. I was part of the fashion event as a professional dancer. London, 2019.
  • Ecoplast In The Kitchen Floor – Film 2019
  • “Warmest Regards” , Film created in collaboration with Central Saint Martins University in December 2018. I was part of the process as a dancer. https://vimeo.com/321301483

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